What is a Metaverse Stock?

PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2024, 7:04:56 PM        SHARE

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Key Takeaways

  • A metaverse stock refers to a company with a 3-D immersive world accessible in real time by anyone on the internet.
  • The metaverse promotes digital social interactions, gaming, experiences, and commerce.
  • The metaverse is shaping up to be an investment megatrend.

What is a Metaverse Stock?

If you want to invest the metaverse megatrend, many stocks give you access to this investment. These publicly traded companies vary. Some are a pure play metaverse stock like Roblox (RBLX), while others like Microsoft (MSFT) will give you partial exposure to the metaverse through Microsoft’s acquisitions of Activision-Blizzard and Minecraft. The term ‘metaverse’ was coined in the 1990’s novel “Snow Crash’ which was about a dystopian future world where people escape into an alternative 3D connected reality.

But the metaverse isn’t about a dystopian future these days! One of the first metaverses to reach a large audience was World of Warcraft, where thousands of users can fight in Azeroth together in real time. The Warcraft franchise was acquired by Microsoft through their acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, adding to Microsoft’s portfolio of metaverses.

At the same time World of Warcraft started gaining popularity in 2006, Roblox was first developed. Today, this is one of the most popular metaverse’s in the world. The younger generation is growing with their default social media platform being Roblox (I know, I’m a father of nine-year-old in 2024). And this younger audience has already accepted metaverses as a normal way to interact with their friends. Between Roblox and Microsoft’s Minecraft, this new generation is playing together and creating content around metaverses.

What Industries are Involved in the Metaverse?

Investors can invest in the metaverse megatrend through different products and services.

  • Immersive hardware – Virtual reality headsets are being developed by all the big technology companies including Meta (META) and Unity Software (U).

  • Interactive Platforms – Once you put that headset on, you need to go to the metaverse. The big interactive platforms include Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite.

  • Chips and Semiconductors – These metaverses must be powered by technology, and that comes down to the components that make up the hardware. Chip manufacturers like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) and graphic card manufacturer Nvidia (NVDA look to grow earnings thanks to the metaverse megatrend.

  • Content Creation Software and Security – The metaverse must be built, so companies are being created to meet this demand. As this software is built security companies like Cloudflare (NET) will look to benefit from protecting users from malicious actors in the metaverse.

What Use Cases are There for the Metaverse?

The major use case for the metaverse right now is in gaming and entertainment. The metaverse’s that dominate the metaverse segment provide gaming as their main service. The metaverse megatrend is already finding use in other industries, especially marketing, where brands in multiple markets are advertising their products on the metaverse.

Events like music venues have occurred in the metaverse, while other organizations have used the metaverse to conduct simulation training and remote learning.

How Does the Metaverse Make Money?

Right now, the main way companies make money is through selling their software and selling in-game virtual upgrades and products.

Microsoft’s Minecraft sells software needed to play Minecraft, while also providing new experiences players can buy and new skins for their worlds. Roblox is free to download, but you’ll need Robux to buy digital assets in the game, unlock special abilities within a metaverse, or get new cloths and items for your avatar.

But the landscape for metaverse monetization is changing. Roblox is allowing developers to include immersive ads into their experiences

Immersive ads

How to Join the Metaverse

The top metaverses are hardware interoperable, which means that you can access the metaverse using a phone, a laptop, or a VR headset. The top metaverse, Roblox, integrated most hardware systems so that its users can access its various experience on almost any device.

The top metaverses are free to play or a one-time cost to play. These metaverses include Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Batte.net to name a few. All you need is to create a login to start.

What is the Point of the Metaverse?

The main reason to use the metaverse is to play video games with friends or to make new friends online. The majority of metaverse users play games together with thousands of other users at the same time.

However, the use case of the metaverse is evolving. Already, companies like Matterport have created 3-D copies of real life buildings for people to tour virtually. This technology is already used by millions for new home buyers to tour multiple houses from the comfort of their home.

The metaverse is taking users away from social media, especially younger people. These users only know how to friend people virtually within metaverses like Roblox and Minecraft.

Finally, the metaverse will soon be taking market share of online advertising. Roblox is in works to build an ad platform to support its community of metaverse developers. This will like revolutionize the metaverse as developers can focus on user activity instead of just in-game purchases.

Is Anyone Using the Metaverse?

Oh yes, there are a lot of users of the metaverse, even after the hype around the metaverse quieted down in 2022. Let’s go thru some examples of user activity on some metaverse platforms in 2024. Roblox Average Daily Active Users

From just these four metaverse platforms, you can see that daily activity of a users were at 2.3 billion a month in 2024! Now, 2.3 billion people aren’t playing in these metaverses, but that’s because many users are so engaged as to play multiple days a month.

Even if we assume these players are “super players” who play every day in a month, that still means there are a minimum of 91 million players in just these 4 metaverse platforms!

Which Industry is Most Impacted by the Metaverse Today?

The core sub-sector impacted by the metaverse is gaming; however, its impact is starting to seep into other online media. Social media is starting to be impacted by the metaverse as younger users prefer engaging with their friends online in the metaverse.

Online advertising is evolving in front of our eyes in 2024 as Roblox has created a immersive ad platform, taking 2-D advertising in to the 3-D virtual world.

Final Thoughts

The metaverse is converging into a few platforms that are dominating the sector. These companies are continuing to grow their audiences in the metaverse while finding new revenue streams to monetize their user base.

Many online activities that occur in a 2-D space like social media and online advertising will be affected by the growth of the metaverse.

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